Everyday activities such as active perspiration, periods and certain foods can lead to undesirable feminine odour, making women conscious and uncomfortable. Ordinary soaps and shower gels may offer some relief but are not targeted at the intimate area. BETA NATURAL Intimate Wash Daily Use ODOUR CONTROLwith HAZEL is exclusively designed to help support relief from undesirable feminine odours whilst supporting natural pH and vaginal flora
A prebiotic that helps stimulate the growth and dominance of beneficial bacteria and prevents harmful organisms from growing.
With its unique Tri-Care+ formulation combined with prebiotics, BETA NATURAL Intimate Wash provides daily protection from unwanted symptoms associated with pH imbalance
WITCH HAZEL Naturally extracted Witch Hazel comes from the Hamamelis virginiana plant. It helps prevent odours and supports effective deodorising
Pour BETA NATURAL ODOUR CONTROL onto your moist hands
Apply on your intimate area, then rinse thoroughly